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Dallas is at a crossroads, and we need a great leader

We are at a crucial time for Dallas.
We have a great opportunity, now in the hands of the City Council, to select the most important local leader we have: the city manager.
More people in Dallas might know the name of the mayor than they do the city manager. But in our form of government, the city manager rules the roost as chief executive of what has become a $4 billion-a-year organization that makes Dallas run.
The departure of T.C. Broadnax for Austin gives the council the opportunity to name a new leader. It is the most important job the council has, and we urge council members to undertake it with a commitment to make sure that whoever wins the job competes for it against the best possible candidates we can convince to apply.
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Those candidates should not only come from the field of municipal government but from other executive tracks where they have demonstrated they can lead complex organizations.
We expect the interim city manager, Kimberly Bizor Tolbert, to be a strong candidate for the job. But the council is shortchanging the city if it fails to find and consider many serious contenders.
With that in mind, we are launching a series we call Leading Dallas. It will feature opinion columns from a diverse group of Dallas leaders reflecting on the city manager’s job and what we need the next manager to do to succeed in any number of areas.
This work begins today with a column by our newest contributing columnist, Dallas native and Builders of Hope chief executive James Armstrong.
We hope you will follow this series and then urge your council member to engage in the search for our next manager like our future depends on it, because it does.
Dallas is the center of a region that by many measures is leading the nation. But even as cities around us prosper and grow, Dallas’ future is less certain.
There are reasons for optimism. Dallas continues to attract business. Opportunities for good jobs abound. The cost of living remains relatively manageable. Our city has wonderful cultural institutions, an increasingly excellent parks system, fantastic places to eat, great sports at every level, beautiful neighborhoods and an enduring sense that we can and should grow into a better future.
But even as we have much to celebrate, there are problems that threaten that future: homelessness, the rising cost of housing, unsustainable pension obligations, aging infrastructure and a seemingly endless increase in the cost of local government.
Dallas should be a city that is willing to confront these problems with the most effective solutions, not rely on the conventional wisdom and entrenched failed policies that have seen other cities spiral downward.
To do that, we need the best possible leadership. We need someone who not only has the ability to manage a complex bureaucracy but who has the courage and wisdom to face these problems with creative solutions.
Leading Dallas is not an easy job. But it is a great job. Let’s be sure whoever gets it has earned it against the best there are.
We welcome your thoughts in a letter to the editor. See the guidelines and submit your letter here. If you have problems with the form, you can submit via email at [email protected]
